
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Blog 12- EOTO Disinformation


Disinformation is false or inaccurate information. It is a part of propaganda. Some examples are rumors, pranks, and insults. When thinking about disinformation, I think about how it is fake news or untruthful things in today’s society. A great point that was brought up while presenting was how professors or instructions call students out for not truthful facts because they got it from Wikipedia etc. Disinformation could be very misleading and negative. People use this method to change a point of view for society. It could also be an accident as well, you might get misinformation. When trying to tell between whether information is disinforming or misinforming, there is one word to keep in mind, intent. If someone says false information by accident, that is misinforming. But if it is information on purposefully false, that is disinformation. Keep in mind if it is intentional or not. 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Blog 10- EOTO Part II

                                                                                                 Alternative Media


            Alternative Media is a huge establishment that has changed the lives of many today. The definition is media sources that differ from established or dominant types of media in terms of content, production, or distribution. It tends to be “non- commercial projects that advocate the interests of those excluded from the mainstream”. The different forms of media are press-print, radio, video and film, internet, street art, performance, and music. 

            In my presentation, I explained how different people found different ways to define alternative media. John Downing described it as "radical alternative media that expresses an alternative vision to hegemonic policies, priorities, and perspectives”. Christian Fuchs says it must have 4 distinct properties. It must be involved in the creation, different from mainstream, create a perspective different fr
om that of the state or major corporations, and it must establish different types of relationships with market and/or state. Atton and Hamilton say, “alternative journalism proceeds with dissatisfaction not only with the mainstream coverage of certain issues and topics”. And journalistic practices say alternative media not only allows but facilitate the participation of its members in both the produced content and the content-producing organization. 

            Sources that fall outside of the mainstream category are called alternative, anarchist, small, activist, grassroots, progressive, non-corporate, subversive underground, radical, dissident, independent, and other terms. Many alternative media aspects are becoming increasingly popular and slowly morphing into mainstream media houses themselves. 

            The definition of alternative media is mainstreaming limiting approaches to the study of alternative media which also addresses the question of how and where the media was created. It is also defined as a small-scale politically radical media, using a wide spectrum of communication technologies and formats. It is a connection with a series of major historical and 20th century movements, which singly and collectively indicate societal impact. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Blog 9- Diffusions of Innovations

            My EOTO topic was Netflix. It started to become a trend the past 10 years because it was so different and new. DVR was the spot before Netflix although you had to know what you wanted to watch ahead of time, and you had to physically go to your TV and record it at the time it was airing. But now, you can binge watch a whole entire series on Netflix. People did experiment with it thought. I remembered the first series I binge watched on Netflix. It was a TV show called One Tree Hill. It was a very popular show and soon after I finished it, it was taken off Netflix. A lot of popular shows getting taken off Netflix because the show gets more money on another website. 

            I believe people are late adopters to Netflix. I seriously think that quarantine also changed the game for the company. A lot of people had movie nights with there family (mine included) and other people had TV series that they watched during the day. It became more popular during that time. Especially with series that trended hard like Tiger King. Plus, it is already on many people’s smart TV’s.  With a click of a button, you can get to Netflix easily. You just need a subscription. And if you do not have a TV, you can watch it on your phone or computer in your bed or in the car. 

            I do not see many negative consequences, but I will say they do have competition. Although I know that Netflix has more subscribers than Hulu. There are a lot of positive outcomes that come with this streaming service and that is it being cheap and monthly, a wide variety of shows, and even in house productions that no other streaming service has. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

Blog 8- YouTube

 Something I learned from somebody else:


YouTube launched in 2005 and founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. It was initially created as a simple way to upload videos. Google bought it for 1.65 billion. Went from being a simple video uploading platform to a place of work for thousands of people. The highest paid youtuber makes $24 million. It has 2 billion monthly users and over 1 billion videos watched per day. It is the 2nd most visited website in the world. 37% of all mobile internet belongs to YouTube. It has 2,000+ employees. 51% of people over 75 watch videos on YouTube. Most channels get back %0.5 per 1000 video views. YouTube pays $18 per 1,000 ad views on average. Gangnam Style was so popular that it broke the YouTube video counter. 62% of businesses use YouTube. 

            YouTube changed the game for sure. It brought a lot of lessons, comedy, and more to the world. Before YouTube, there was nothing like it. No place to help with instructions or clips to watch or influencers to be seen and heard. It truly is one of the greatest sources of all time. It was so hot in the early 2010’s and it still is today. It is a valued source a lot of people can go to for almost anything. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Blog 7- The Progressive Era

 American Conservatism 

            This website has some very interesting blogs, articles, and current events being discussed at a conservative level. Being on a specific side, it is beneficial to understand how conservatism works. This website takes the topic of foreign affairs very seriously. 

            I read a very good article on the American conservative website talking about how being a conservative or democrat does not really matter anymore. It is called “Conservatism Is A Collection Of Losers. It Doesn’t Have to Be.” All that matters is everyone getting what they want in this country. Donald Trump once said, “I’m a conservative but at this point who cares? We’ve got to straighten out the country.”

            More of what the article talks about is that the past 20 years, “conservative thinkers” have influenced barley anyone beyond the next generation of downwardly mobile graduate students. Conservatives have rationalized their political impotence by dressing up in bowties and pretending to speak for what they imagine to be the real establishment. 

            In the article, it talks about how this next generation could change political views forever. The future of fake news, manipulative lies, and false stories must come to an end. It is up to society to be the future and change the world with the power they have. As the article says, “power corrupts, but powerlessness corrupts, too.”

Blog 6- EOTO

Netflix is an American content platform which was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. It is defined as a subscription-based streaming service. It offers online streaming of library films and television serious which includes in-house movies and television as well. It has 203.7 million users worldwide and includes 73 million in the U.S. The operating income is 1.2 billion. It is $12.99 a month. They announced that subscription concept in September 1999. The reputation of the company includes a flat-free unlimited rental without due dates, late fees, shipping and handling fees, or per-title rental fees. 

            This company expanded its business in 2007 with the introduction of streaming media while retaining the DVD and Blu-ray rental business. In October 2018, Tik Tok announced it would raise $2 billion in debt to help fund new content. As of 2021, Netflix has 12,135 employees worldwide. Video on demand streaming service allows subscribers to stream television series and films via the Netflix website on personal computers, or the Netflix software on a variety of supported platforms, including smartphones and tablets, digital media players, video game consoles and smart TVs. 

            Netflix Party is a service provided by Netflix to watch programs together. A lot of people including me has been using this service during quarantine. When you cannot be with your loved ones, you can go on Google Chrome and set it up and chat each other while watching. On a lot of TV remote controls, there is a Netflix button option. This is only on recent smart TV’s. But you can also get a separate streaming service like Amazon firesticks and Roku TV’s. 

            Netflix competes with several streaming companies such as Hulu, Vudu, Prime, HBO, Apple TV, etc.  I honestly truly think that Netflix has taken customers away from cablevision. Netflix has a lot of different options and genres of movies and TV’s. This company is famous for binge-watching. That is where the term started since there are no commercials and all episodes are already there. It is the largest Internet traffic contributor. It was also almost purchased by Blockbuster.

            Marc Randolph who is one of the founders of Netflix is a Entrepreneur in Residence at High Point University. He is a mentor to all the students who gives feedback and shares his lessons to the students at HPU. Students are able to pitch ideas to him and get feedback. It is an awesome way to step in and get feedback from a professional who is an icon in the business world and know by most of the world wide web by his ideas and creations. Students from all majors get to ask him questions. Netflix has honestly changed the world. It is so easy to watch almost anything you want right at your fingertips. It’s a benefit for kids, falling asleep to something, date night, and more.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Blog 5- The Age of AI

The Age of AI

Artificial intelligence is demonstrated by machines which is very unlike natural intelligence which is demonstrated by humans. It kind of scares me how machines can be so smart and do much more than humans, and technology is only getting smarter. Technology is very ahead of its time in my opinion. Sometimes my mind can’t wrap around how machines can do the things they do. 

            Privacy has some pros and cons that I have my opinion about. The pros is that I don’t have to log into my account every time, it shows things around my location that I may want to go to, and I like how I can use my face ID to get into my phone. Some cons are it knows my interests too much to the point where I get creeped out, I am not entirely sure where my personal information goes to, and I sometimes do not like when it asks for my location and I say no and it still knows it somehow.

            I am not entirely sure how my information goes to national security, but I really do not like to think about it. It scared me to realize how and why it would go to that source. 

            When I think of identity theft, I think of how people use my pictures to catfish other people, and they think it is me. One time my snapchat got hacked and the hacker could see all my pictures and personal information. I felt so violated and uncomfortable that I even got the police involved. Online security needs to be fixed and get rid of phony and fake people who steal identity and have bad intentions.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blog 4- Civil War and Reconstruction

Freedom of Speech Vs. Destruction

   I often think about how peaceful protests always turn into destruction. Peoples anger gets the best of them which I get. But why would burning down buildings benefit them in anyway? It gets to a point where it goes too far. Protesting for what you believe in is pretty cool. When the Black Lives Matter protest was happening, I was scared to even leave my house. My parents would not let me leave because they knew there was destruction around the cities around me. When I was going to Key West, Florida for vacation, I drove with my friend and we were always aware of our surroundings. Freedom of speech is real, but freedom of destruction is very much not. It cost peoples jobs and COVID did enough to that. We went through such difficult times from March 2020 to about July 2020 with everything going on. For once in my life, I was scared to go out in public. I always made my sisters or parents come with me. 


What does the First Amendment condone? What does the First Amendment not condone?

The first amendment condones freedoms including expression, assembly, the right to petition, and religion. It does not condone protection of obscenity and speech that constitutes (fighting words).

Is it a First Amendment violation if a private company does it?

It does not prohibit private induvial, companies, and employers restricting speech.

What can people do if they feel censored online?  

Block the person who is giving them hate. 



Freedom of Speech- Promoting Tolerance

Countries all over have different laws and principles that citizens follow. But the one principle I can think of that is so completely different from everywhere else, is the freedom of speech concept. One of the things that have stuck out to me personally have been the freedom of speech principle ever since High School. 37 out of 195 countries have absolute freedom of speech. Since it is a law to say whatever you would like, society has a way to punish anyone who says something offensive or mean. Also referred to as “cancel culture”. Cancel culture could ultimately put out your business. Even though you can say whatever you want, you still have to watch what you say, especially around people who get easily offended or are strong minded on topics that you may not even know about. 

            Freedom of speech teaches us to become more tolerant to other outlooks in life. It builds more character and makes us stronger. It also shows that our Government lets the leash lose a little bit, and our Country is freer than others. That’s why when someone says, “it’s a free country”, they are talking about the freedom of speech amendment. This amendment does not have restrictions. This includes libel, incitement, slander, perjury, trade secrets, and copyright violation.  

            The eight values of free expression include marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on government power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent. These are all different ways to look at speech theories. Each have a different perspective to show how freedom of speech is important and has many different aspects. 

            I picked promoting tolerance because it shows that you need to build character. It creates a stronger, powerful, and tolerant society. We need to experience more valuable lessons to succeed. Life will always bring you down and the more experience and tolerance you have with it the more you can learn, develop, and grow mentally. 

            According to the “speech theories” tab on the website, it says, “It has been argued that freedom of speech, especially through our practice of extending protection to speech that we find hateful or personally upsetting, teaches us to become more tolerant in other aspects of life — and that a more tolerant society is a better society. Somewhat counter-intuitive, the First Amendment protects hate speech because society learns valuable lessons from, including why it is hateful and worthy of condemnation. It’s how we spread norms about acceptable behavior.” That explains it in a different perspective. 

             We take for granted freedom of speech every day. Most countries don’t even have the privilege to be able to speak their mind about anything and it is really upsetting. There are only 18.97% of people who get freedom of speech on the planet. An amendment that was created in 1791 can have such a huge impact on the world. 70% of Americans agreed that people should have a right to free speech. I feel as though that shows how Americans have already have character built to them.