
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Blog 12- EOTO Disinformation


Disinformation is false or inaccurate information. It is a part of propaganda. Some examples are rumors, pranks, and insults. When thinking about disinformation, I think about how it is fake news or untruthful things in today’s society. A great point that was brought up while presenting was how professors or instructions call students out for not truthful facts because they got it from Wikipedia etc. Disinformation could be very misleading and negative. People use this method to change a point of view for society. It could also be an accident as well, you might get misinformation. When trying to tell between whether information is disinforming or misinforming, there is one word to keep in mind, intent. If someone says false information by accident, that is misinforming. But if it is information on purposefully false, that is disinformation. Keep in mind if it is intentional or not. 

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