
Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blog 4- Civil War and Reconstruction

Freedom of Speech Vs. Destruction

   I often think about how peaceful protests always turn into destruction. Peoples anger gets the best of them which I get. But why would burning down buildings benefit them in anyway? It gets to a point where it goes too far. Protesting for what you believe in is pretty cool. When the Black Lives Matter protest was happening, I was scared to even leave my house. My parents would not let me leave because they knew there was destruction around the cities around me. When I was going to Key West, Florida for vacation, I drove with my friend and we were always aware of our surroundings. Freedom of speech is real, but freedom of destruction is very much not. It cost peoples jobs and COVID did enough to that. We went through such difficult times from March 2020 to about July 2020 with everything going on. For once in my life, I was scared to go out in public. I always made my sisters or parents come with me. 


What does the First Amendment condone? What does the First Amendment not condone?

The first amendment condones freedoms including expression, assembly, the right to petition, and religion. It does not condone protection of obscenity and speech that constitutes (fighting words).

Is it a First Amendment violation if a private company does it?

It does not prohibit private induvial, companies, and employers restricting speech.

What can people do if they feel censored online?  

Block the person who is giving them hate. 


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