
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Blog 9- Diffusions of Innovations

            My EOTO topic was Netflix. It started to become a trend the past 10 years because it was so different and new. DVR was the spot before Netflix although you had to know what you wanted to watch ahead of time, and you had to physically go to your TV and record it at the time it was airing. But now, you can binge watch a whole entire series on Netflix. People did experiment with it thought. I remembered the first series I binge watched on Netflix. It was a TV show called One Tree Hill. It was a very popular show and soon after I finished it, it was taken off Netflix. A lot of popular shows getting taken off Netflix because the show gets more money on another website. 

            I believe people are late adopters to Netflix. I seriously think that quarantine also changed the game for the company. A lot of people had movie nights with there family (mine included) and other people had TV series that they watched during the day. It became more popular during that time. Especially with series that trended hard like Tiger King. Plus, it is already on many people’s smart TV’s.  With a click of a button, you can get to Netflix easily. You just need a subscription. And if you do not have a TV, you can watch it on your phone or computer in your bed or in the car. 

            I do not see many negative consequences, but I will say they do have competition. Although I know that Netflix has more subscribers than Hulu. There are a lot of positive outcomes that come with this streaming service and that is it being cheap and monthly, a wide variety of shows, and even in house productions that no other streaming service has. 

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